Our June 7th Bouquet


With the curtains of rain last week, it was a relief to harvest flowers under the shining sun. The beds are coming on quick and we're excited to share the first big harvest with you.

This week's bouquet is a simple testament to the gentle end of spring. Your bouquet may feature the last stems of ranunculus, delicate bachelor buttons, snapdragons, beautiful campanula, and foraged yarrow. We've also thrown in some beautiful wild treasures.

You may order a market bouquet at any time during the season. Bouquets are $20 and currently only available for farm pickup on Thursdays between 9am - 4pm.  If you're interested in making a purchase please contact Laura Beth Dawson - (540) 421-4538 or email LauraBeth@TinyFields.com

We hope you enjoy! There is so much more beauty to come.

Laura Beth Dawson


Identifying Your Flowers

Over the course of the season, the flowers will change week-to-week. This is the beauty of locally grown flowers! We'll do our best to describe what may be in your bouquet and give your some hints for identification.

  • Ranunculus - Beautiful, intricate petals of white, red, and pink revealing a dark center. They look almost like paper...sigh.
  • Campanula - large, sweet, delicate bells
  • Stock - A tightly clustered, spike with deeply colored purple, pink or white florets. They smell is amazing!
  • Bachelor Buttons - Small white, pink, or electric blue discs the size of a large button. This is Henry's favorite flowers. (Henry is our soon-to-be-7-year-old)
  • Snapdragons - Tall, slender spikes with large hooded florets
  • Foraged Yarrow - Delicate white discs of white florets
  • Egyptian Walking Onion - A spiky pod that will grow into a crazy explosion of green tendrils
  • Wild Dill - An airy, spray of small yellow florets
  • Wild Anise Root - A beautiful green foliage featuring star shaped seed pods that smells of licorice.

Caring for Your Bouquet

Extending the life of your bouquet is easy; And it's reasonable to expect that your bouquet will thrive for 7 - 10 days after pickup. To extend the life of your bouquet follow these simple steps:

  • Change the water every day
  • Trim the stems at an angle with a sharp pair of scissors every 2 - 3 days
  • Remove flowers that begin to fade
  • For Snapdragons and Stock, remove the spent florets as the upper florets begin to bloom.

Ordering A Market Bouquet

You may order a market bouquet at any time during the season. Bouquets are $20 and currently only available for farm pickup on Thursdays between 9am - 4pm.  If you're interested in making a purchase please contact Laura Beth Dawson - (540) 421-4538 or email LauraBeth@TinyFields.com

Sean Harvey